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For details of walks in our area try the website "Walks in Sussex" which is part of John Harris' website "Walking in England".
Also useful for obtaining maps, books, etc.
Click on the link : Walks in Sussex
You might also like to look at Sussex Ramblers
who have a Newsletter and some useful information
Click on the link below for the Ramblers Association
Ramblers Association
For Shorter walks try- Active Rother
Active Rother is a partnership made up of local government organisations, the NHS, activity providers and community groups. The partnership is coordinated by Rother District Council (RDC) and supported by a funding agreement between ESCC and RDC.
Through this partnership, Active Rother aim to facilitate and encourage the development of a wide range of low cost, quality assured activities that will contribute to increased levels of physical activity within the Rother area.

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