Saturday walks programme
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing on our organised walks. The Walks Leader has the right to refuse participation if you do not have the correct attire.
This is for your safety and so as not to hold up the group due to injury.
Tuesday walks programme
Walks Leaders
If you are offering to lead a walk or have an enquiry about a walk please contact the following:
Saturday walks - Jonathan Reed
Tuesday walks - Barbara Thomassen
General email
Rights of way
If you find any problems with a footpath or stile please contact ESCC PROW:
Tel- 0345 608 0193
Bexhill Ramblers Club Constitution
Members Privacy Policy
Annual General Meeting Minutes - 30th September 2024
Your Committee - 2023-2024
Chairman Jonathan Reed
Secretary Sophie Brennan
Treasurer Michael Brennan
Membership Sec Ingrid Finch
Tues Walks Sec Barbara Thomassen
Sat Walks Sec Jonathan Reed
Social Duncan McLean
Website Chris Cooper
Rights of Way Vacant
Welfare Vacant
Safety Officer Vacant
Not Committee but helping out:-
Auditor 1 Janet Jones
​ Auditor 2 Geoff Browning
Walkers Check List